Hi Reader, back with another exercise to build those leadership muscles so you can become more radically referable. Any time of the year is great to start this, but now's especially perfect. It's called 3-2-1 journaling. It's centered around gratitude and vision. And here's how (and why) it works. First, let's start with why it works...
(By the way, Shawn Achor studied happiness at Harvard. One of his family members said, "Why are you studying happiness at Harvard? These kids that have all the resources in the world, the best education." But what he found was...they weren't happy. Know why? Because they weren't focused on what they had accomplished. They were focusing on what they weren't.) So now here's how it works...1) Write down 3 things you're grateful for. 3 NEW things from the last 24 hours. And really relive those things that you're grateful for. Take time to bask in the moment. Why 3 new things? Because it really makes you think and look, and prevents you from running on autopilot. Ever heard of the 101% principle from John Maxwell? Rather than focus on the 100% that's not right, focus on the 1% that is. Quick tip: Rather than focusing on what a relationship isn't, focus on what it is. If you love the person, focus on who they are and what they bring. Look for things to be grateful for. It will change the context of your relationship. 2) Write down 2 affirmations. A declaration of who you are. Who you want to be. So if you want to be referable, that could be your affirmation: "I'm a referral generating machine." You may have only gotten one referral in your career, but the key is to take "I am" and then put some words behind it that make you stretch yourself. Make you just a little uncomfortable. Quick tip: Remember to pull inspiration from your vision as well, from any area of life.
3) Write down 1 big win from the previous 24 hours. This is what the Harvard students were missing out on. The point of celebrating the win is that we take the success, take time to be happy about it, and then more success will follow. If yesterday was horrible, pick the best win. It's so important. Think of it this way: You're sitting down with somebody and they say, "Hey, what's exciting in your world?" What's your answer? Are you ready? If you do this every day, you will be. And you'll also come across as an introspective, thoughtful go-getter (as long as you're humble about it. When you start to share your positivity, it should lift others around you up too. I recommend you take these 3 things on daily for 21 days (at least). Not because of habit building (though that's a great benefit too). What was found in Shawn's study was that, if you do this for 21 days, your happiness baseline gets a 6-month benefit. Now that is leverage. Think about that for a second. 21 days yields a 6-month benefit. (And now...what if you do it forever? What would that do for you?) But for now, let's stick with 21 days. Positivity in the present. So what's your big win from the last 24 hours? Brian Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:
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There's something that a looot of people overlook, Reader. And that's planning. It's the vision that excites us, and we know (or should know) that it's action that gets us there. But planning? Ain't nobody got time for that, right? That's mistake. Because it's planning that greases the wheels of action. A few years' back, the book "The 12-Week Year" by Brian Moran was sent to my home as part of The Boardroom, where we read one book a month. And in there, Brian talked about Olympic athletes....
Hi Reader, here's how strongly I feel about the 3-2-1 journaling I mentioned in last week's email... (if you haven't seen it yet, search for the email "More good feels, less angst") I've been 3-2-1 journaling a long time. So long, in fact, that I've built a little library. If I had to run back into a burning house, these would probably be one of the things I'd grab. The main reason? It's something I'd like my kids to have when I'm gone. It's a way for them to relive experiences I had. If I go...
Hi Reader, short and sweet one here today. Last week I talked about how dreaming leads to achieving. That having a clear, defined vision puts you on a path. It also makes you a better leader, which may not seem super-obvious at first. Here's a real life story about that. I had a client several years back who had a franchise repairing exercise equipment. He had a technician that wasn't really working out for him. Getting 3-5 complaints a week, having to refund people, all that. So he put out...