Why's mindset important, Reader? 1) Because the mind's a powerful tool. Believing you can do something helps make it happen. 2) We have to rewire our brains to level up in life. In fact, there's a verse in the ancient book of wisdom that says, "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." So what's the first, key mindset you have to cultivate to become referable? Leadership. And what is leadership? Influence. And how do you define influence? Influence is having a positive impact on the way others think, feel, and act. No matter whether you're... ➡️ a solopreneur with zero employees, or ➡️ a business owner with multiple employees, or ➡️ running a major division of a company, or ➡️ a recruiter, or ➡️ a commissioned sales professional working for someone else... ...you have to cultivate a leadership mindset to become referable. Why? Because even if you don't have anyone else to lead, you have to lead yourself. ...And you have to lead your clients. ...And—if you want them—you have to lead your referral partners. Please recognize you're a leader, no matter what your position. You have to own that. You're a leader who should have a positive impact on the way others think, feel, and act. When you think of others— Let me put it this way: Think of the least leader-y person you know. (Maybe they're even competent. But when push comes to shove, they just follow the script. They don't stretch themselves to influence the way others think, feel and act...even when situations could really use it.) Would you refer them? Now if you show up as not-a-leader similar to them (heck, maybe even a smidge better), how referable do you think you are? The key isn't to be a smidge better. The key is to be a leader. So in the next few weeks, I'm going to share some simple principles that should help you become a better leader (even if you're just leading yourself), develop a radically referable mindset, and become more referable. 'Til then, Brian Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:
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There's something that a looot of people overlook, Reader. And that's planning. It's the vision that excites us, and we know (or should know) that it's action that gets us there. But planning? Ain't nobody got time for that, right? That's mistake. Because it's planning that greases the wheels of action. A few years' back, the book "The 12-Week Year" by Brian Moran was sent to my home as part of The Boardroom, where we read one book a month. And in there, Brian talked about Olympic athletes....
Hi Reader, here's how strongly I feel about the 3-2-1 journaling I mentioned in last week's email... (if you haven't seen it yet, search for the email "More good feels, less angst") I've been 3-2-1 journaling a long time. So long, in fact, that I've built a little library. If I had to run back into a burning house, these would probably be one of the things I'd grab. The main reason? It's something I'd like my kids to have when I'm gone. It's a way for them to relive experiences I had. If I go...
Hi Reader, back with another exercise to build those leadership muscles so you can become more radically referable. Any time of the year is great to start this, but now's especially perfect. It's called 3-2-1 journaling. It's centered around gratitude and vision. And here's how (and why) it works. First, let's start with why it works... When you're looking for things to be grateful for in the world...you find them. It colors how you perceive the world. It sets the stage for you to envision,...