Hey Reader, have you heard of S.M.A.R.T.? That's...
Last week I talked about B.A.M. goals. That is, instead of having just one goal, having THREE levels of goals - Baseline, Amazing, Miraculous. But that’s not enough. Because you can’t just have some vague goals hanging out there and then do nothing about them. You have to be able to implement. That’s where S.M.A.R.T. comes in. It makes sure you’re setting goals that you can actually take action on. Specific action. Measurable action. Actionable…well, action. Relevant action. Time bound action. That way you have an outline of specific steps to take, in a certain time frame. So you actually (1) do what you need to do to achieve your goals and (2) can see how/why/where things aren't working, so you can course correct. Want more referrals? Well as I’ve mentioned before, if you want more referrals, you have to give more referrals. ➡️ So a S.M.A.R.T. goal for that would be “Did I give 2 referrals and/or connections today?” Want to grow your network? ➡️ A S.M.A.R.T. goal for that would be “Did I add 3 people to my database today?” (And backing into that even further, what actions do you need to take to find those 3 people?) Want to stay top of mind? ➡️ A S.M.A.R.T. goal for that would be “Did I send 1 value-add communication to my database this week?” So look at your Amazing or Miraculous goal for the quarter (stretch yourself - don’t even bother with Baseline), and break down what it’ll take to get there using S.M.A.R.T. goals. I'll be going a little deeper into this next week but in the meantime, send me a S.M.A.R.T. goal you wanna shoot for! Brian Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:
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So. About that USEABLE database of yours. (Don't have one? Check out last week's email.) Once you've gotten all your connections in one spot, you've gotta prioritize them. Why? I want to be careful but also blunt here. Because my belief system says all people are created equal, and we're called to love on all of them as individuals. So, with all the love in my heart, I say this: Not everyone is equal when it comes to creating referrals for our businesses. I'm not saying to hate on people....
As I promised last week, over the next few emails I'm going to give you a system for connecting with people. The goal at the end of this is to help you get clarity on who you should be talking to. (And at the core of it, how you should talking to them.) But before getting into all that, we need to talk foundations. Because before you gather all your people, and connect with all your people, (and connect them to other people), you need a place to PUT all your people. To put it simply? A...
We tend to overcomplicate business. But at the heart of it, there are three "simple" things every business has to do: ➡️ You have to Create opportunities (Which is Marketing) ➡️ You have to Convert those opportunities (Which is Sales) ➡️ You have to Complete those opportunities (Which is Operations) When you think about creating opportunities, one of the things your mind probably jumps to is advertising. Now, it's going to sound like I'm anti-advertising, but I'm not really anti-advertising....