You're probably measuring the wrong things

You can't just close your eyes and cross your fingers and hit a goal with pure hope, Reader.

That's an extreme picture I'm painting, but it's what so many of us do. Set a goal and then just blindly move forward on pure hopium (a powerful drug) and see if we stick the landing.

The thing is, if you set a goal and then aren't measuring the things you're doing to try to hit the's gonna be hard to hit.

After all, "What gets measured gets managed."

So now the important question is, what things do you need to measure?

Because even if you are measuring things...there's a good chance they're the wrong ones.

You see, there are leading indicators, and there are lagging indicators.

And leading indicators are what you really want to focus on.

So what exactly does leading and lagging mean?

Think of it this way: Leading is what you give. Lagging is what you get.

That's why we focus on leading. Leading means you're taking action. 'Giving' of yourself, in some way.

Let's go deeper with a tricky example. Referrals.

People are usually split with figuring out whether referrals are leading or lagging.

So let me ask you this: If I asked you to make a referral happen RIGHT NOW...could you do it?

No. So I'm inclined to call it a lagging indicator. It's a result of your efforts. It's what you get.


How about giving referrals?

Giving referrals is a leading indicator. That is something you can make happen right now. It's totally in your power. (And as I've said before, if you want to get, you have to give.)

So setting an appointment? Lagging indicator.

Making (i.e. giving) phone calls to try to get that appointment set? Leading indicator.

So a leading indicator is something that, if you put your effort into it, will produce a result. A lagging indicator is simply a measurement of the activity.

It's your effort you want to measure. Not your results. That makes allll the difference.

Now my 2-part question for you:

  1. What's a specific goal that's important to you?
  2. What are some leading indicators you could measure for the next 12 weeks that would help you hit that goal?

Then? Show up and do it. Measure it. Feel good that you're taking action...and that you're actively taking control of what's important to you.

Then see what results you get.


PS - One of the things my team tracks is the number of gives. Did we give an introduction? A compliment? A handwritten note? A referral? If you're having trouble figuring out where to start with measuring things, that's a good place.

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Work with me to transform your referral relationships. (Booking into March - let's talk)
  2. Get your own board of advisors with ACCELERATE Boardroom (See if it's a fit here)

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