Do you want to? Or do you HAVE to?

Does accountability conjure up a good feeling, Reader?

Or is it a bad feeling?

I'm going to hit you with a hard truth AND a hot tip here.

If you conjure up a negative feeling when it comes to accountability...

...that might actually be the biggest growth area for you.

(Because isolation is the enemy of excellence.)

Now, I don't deny it...there are definitely some negative connotations to accountability.

I had a form of accountability as a child, and you probably did too. It wasn't all that fun. 😅

No doubt, there are some people who do accountability the wrong way. For sure.

BUT I can tell you that joyful accountability is an amazing thing.

So instead of avoiding accountability altogether, I'm going to encourage you to find the right accountability.

The right accountability (i.e. joyful accountability) is a person or group of people that hold you accountable to being the best version of yourself.

It's a space where you share your vision and your plan with other people.

And simply, you say what you're going to do. Then you do it. Because you said you would.

And when you slip up? (Because let's be real - we all inevitably do.) That person or group steps in to signal that you're not living in alignment with what you said you're going to do.

It's want to versus have to.

When you commit to something in front of other people, you feel like you have to do what you say. (Rather than sitting back on your heels merely wanting to do something.)

In fact, here's a study by the American Society of Training & Development showing how likely you are to achieve a goal, based on how far you take it...

  • You have an idea or goal - 10% chance of hitting that goal
  • You consciously decide you will do it - 25%
  • You decide when you will do it - 40%
  • You plan how you will do it - 50%
  • You tell a specific person or group - 95%

95% chance of achieving. Versus where most people stop: Having an idea or goal (10%) or Consciously deciding you'll do it (25%).

That's huge.

I believe we're built for community. That we're built to share things that matter with each other. And when you can do that, it makes all the difference.

So let me ask you this: In each area of life you're trying to impact (health, business, etc.)...

...Are you isolated? Or do you have joyful accountability?

If it's the former and you're not getting anywhere, now you know how to fix it.


Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Work with me to transform your referral relationships. (Booking into March - let's talk)
  2. Get your own board of advisors with ACCELERATE Boardroom (See if it's a fit here)

Get Radically Referable

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